Program Guidelines

Nigeria Drill Team - Safety and Environmental Recognition Program
Note: This program is conducted by the Nigeria Drill Team with a goal of recognizing and
rewarding behaviors with the intent of improving the Safety and Environmental Culture. The ultimate goal of the program is "Nobody Gets Hurt" and Protect the Environment "No Spills". This program is applicable to all Contractor (Drilling and Third Party) personnel at the worksite(s) on a routine basis and repeat intermittent service suppliers are eligible.
General Requirements - To earn an award in any category, an individual must be an active participant in improving the rig's safety and spill prevention culture. Examples that would qualify for this award are:

  • Developing or improving a Job Safety Analysis / Job Risk Assessment
  • Identifying and eliminating a hazardous situation (Behavioral Observation/Intervention, STOP/START card and/or UAC submitted for D-010 report)
  • Significant suggestion that can be practically implemented to make the workplace safer, or prevent spills
  • Intervention in an activity that prevents a potential serious incident, injury or spill (Behavioral Observation/Intervention, STOP/START card and/or UAC submitted for D-010 report)
  • Safety or Spill Prevention participation above NDT expectations

1.) Weekly Awards - may be given to an individual on a weekly basis, for going the "Extra Mile".
Selection process - MUST reinforce the level of safety and environmental awareness, progression of the Rig's Safety and Environmental Program and improvements. Nigeria Drill team Drilling Supervisors will form a (Safety Committee) team with Rig Management and at least one Third Party Supervisor. They will make the final selection for the Weekly Recognition Award. All Contractor (drilling and third party) personnel at the work site(s) on a routine basis and repeat intermittent service suppliers are eligible. Nigeria Drill Team Drilling Supervisor may make an on the spot selection for an outstanding contribution.
Award winner's picture and achievement will be documented. This record will be posted on rig site safety bulletin board and copied to Nigeria Drill Team Lagos Office. Stewardship is the responsibility of Nigeria Drill Team Rig Based Safety Advisor. The award should be of nominal value ($75), with or without an appropriate affiliate or ExxonMobil logo item
Global Catch of the Week is not tied into NDT Safety & Environmental Recognition Program.
2.) Monthly Awards - Given at one calendar month intervals for achieving the Nigeria Drill Team's Vision of "Nobody Gets Hurt" and "Protect the Environment "No Spills". All Contractor (drilling and third party) personnel at the work site(s) on a routine basis and repeat intermittent service suppliers are eligible. Intermittent service providers operating at any Nigeria Drill Team location will not be eligible for the award if they or their team members have an incident while performing their duties on any other Nigeria Drill Team location during that calendar month.
Requirements - No Hurt incidents (includes LTI, RWI, MTI, FAT or NT), No Spills, No Near Hurt
incidents with PHL level 3 or greater, meet the general requirements of the award program; All personnel at the Rig site are to submit as a minimum one observation card STOP/START on a daily basis to achieve 100% participation.
3.) Annual Rig Milestone - will be given for achieving the Nigeria Drill Team's Vision of "Nobody Gets Hurt" and "No Spills".
Requirements — No Hurt Incidents, or No Spills, as reported on the D 50 reports, of the annual anniversary date of the last incident.
4.) NDT DM Milestone Award — will be given at the discretion of the NDT Drilling Manager for significant annual achievement within any category.

Items should be ordered in advance through a local vendor or be a local purchase item. Nigeria Drill Team Lagos should determine the periodic selection of these gifts and they will be purchased and shipped in lots or quantities stated in the order process for economy of purchase. Operations Superintendent and office based Safety Coordinator will review and sign off on items ordered. Accountability and stewardship rests with Nigeria Drill Team Drilling Supervisors. Adequate stock levels should be maintained at all times and the rig sites Safety Advisors are accountable for stock records and maintenance.
The award should be of nominal value and an appropriate affiliate or ExxonMobil logo item. (Note to recent security situation, the Logo may be of a color as not to draw attention) (T-shirt, ball caps, mugs, etc.)

Administration -
The Nigeria Drill Team Drilling Supervisor shall approve the list of individuals eligible to receive an award. Documentation shall be maintained showing each individual receiving an award. The rig site Safety Advisor will maintain a record of this listing and copy it to the Operations Superintendent and office based Safety Coordinator on a monthly basis. Quarterly reconciliation consisting of a complete list of each individual receiving an award and their affiliation to the specific project is required. This reconciliation must also reflect an inventory check that verifies stock in, stock out and stock remaining.

  • Each rig will be responsible for tracking the inventory of safety award items on board.
  • All awards that are physically in your inventory (either already earned but not issued or not yet earned) will be captured.
  • On the last day of the month, review and confirm your inventory, update your workbook and sign off sheets. Include the workbook in your end of month reports.
  •  As part of crew change handover the Rig Safety Advisors will perform a physical inventory of all award items. Each will sign off on the number of award items available and the Drilling Supervisor will witness and counter sign at least one of these counts as confirmation.
  • On the end of the quarter you will be required to submit your sign off sheets and conduct your physical count. (Any certificate not issued within 90 days period will be forfeited). Your signature count and transfers must match the physical count issued.
  • Please read and adhere to the instructions tab in the workbook.
  • Each rig will be responsible for ordering award items for their specific rig.
  • Cost of these items will be billed through the applicable rig contractor back to ExxonMobil including customs, duties, VAT (where applicable) handling and freight.
  • Spending limits spelled out in the safety recognition program annual budget will be used for purchase of safety awards.
  • Applicable Local Vendors to supply catalogs for award selection. (also available on the internet)
  • Budget limits should be as per the recognition program i.e. $340,600 per JV rig per year and $489,800 per Deepwater rig per year.
  • Conditions of safety recognition program should be used as policy.
  • All awards to be sent directly to the rig by rig contractor (via Onne Port)
  • Use of local purchase items will be the first source of choice.

Cancellation -
This program is in effect until further notice and can be cancelled at the discretion of the
Drilling Manager.


Safety Recognition Program rev


Olatunji A Adeola

Drilling Manager

Nigeria Drill Team

POWERED BY Carder & Associates LLC © 2016

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